Monday, September 19, 2005

Diocesan Directors Symposium--Info Sent

An email with registration information for the December Symposium has been sent to Diocesan Directors. As you know,Dr. Gaillardetz will be working with us to examine the contemporary cultural and ecclesial contexts in which we minister. We will have the opportunity to explore the variety of ecclesiologies underlying the pluralism in today's Church and to develop strategies for carrying out catechetical ministry in this postmodern environment.

Who: Diocesan Directors and those invited by diocesan directors

When: December 8-10, 2005
Begins 7 PM on Thursday ends 6 PM on Saturday

Where: Holiday Inn Elk Grove Village, IL

How much: The total costs for the symposium, including registration, room, reception Thursday evening, breakfast, lunch, dinner on Friday and breakfast and lunch on Saturday, are as follows:

Single 2 nights:$385.
Single 3 nights:$465 (Saturday evening)

Double 2 nights:$305.
Double 3 nights:$345 (Saturday evening)

Financial Assistance available. To obtain an application contact Patty Vrabel at

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Katherine J. Kandefer, BVM, 202.884.9755, or Jim Kemna, 573-635-9127,, who has been chairing the planning committee for the event.

Click here for a list of advanced reading material for the symposium.

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