Friday, April 22, 2005

A Symposium - Preliminary Information

A Symposium for Diocesan Directors and Staff with Richard Gaillardetz. The Symposium will be held in Chicago December 8-11, 2005 at the Holiday Inn Elk Grove Village near O’Hare airport. The event will begin Thursday with dinner and end Saturday evening with Liturgy (about 6:00 pm).

The cost for room and board would be approximately $350 for a single room, $250 for a double, plus tax. A reception Thursday evening, three meals on Friday, breakfast and lunch Saturday would be provided for the above cost. Snacks during the day would also be provided. Participants would go out for dinner Saturday evening after the liturgy. The meal would not be included in the above cost. The registration fee, above room and board, has not been set. A planning committee is in the process of finalizing the goals and content outline for this symposium. We will forward that information to you as soon as it is complete.

Members of the Planning Committee are: Sr. Edith Prendergast, Jim Kemna, Mary Kay Cullinan, Sr. Pat McGinley, Sharon Horgan, Don Kurre and Maribeth Mancini with assistance from Neil Parent and Kathy Kandefer.

Please leave a comment with your thoughts on the Symposium.

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