According to an email from NCCL President Mary Ann Ronan Harry Dudley has resigned from NCCL's Board of Directors. Harry indicated the needs of his new diocesan staff and parish catechetical leaders are showing him that he needs to focus his time and energy with them. NCCL will miss Harry's wisdom, insights, and commitment. I want to thank Harry for all he has given to NCCL and to the ministry. I've enjoyed working with Harry over the years. In honor of Harry, I must say, "This particular blog post represents the opinion of its author and only its author."
Thanks Harry.
Mary Ann announced that Jim Tucker will complete Harry's term on the Board. Jim brings a wealth of NCCL experience and many gifts to the board. I'm convinced Jim will do a good job at this critical time in the life of NCCL. We appreciate Jim's willingness to share his time and talent with the membership.
I ditto Don's comments...thanks Harry for all you have added...for your guidance and wisdom...
Thank you too, Jim, for saying YES!
Don, I appreciate the disclaimer that your comments are the opinion of the author...I had to chuckle!
Harry, you got the WOO...and we're all glad you do! What a mentor and friend you are.
Thanks to all of you! It was and always will be a pleasure to serve you all in any way. Sadly I only just read this as I had lost the link when I moved to DC. It was the laugh that I needed today.
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