I planned to blog for the duration of the Council meeting however, for some reason I was not able to connect to Blogger. Oh the plans of mice and ... On the whole it was a very good meeting. Many of the new Council members found the orientation to and review of the purpose of the Council very helpful. I heard several council members say, "Now I understand our role." Be sure to ask your Province Rep for the minutes from the meeting. The officers made a big push for reps to be accountable to both the Council and to their constituents. I appreciated the emphasis given to accountability. If Council Reps take their responsibility seriously and hold themselves accountable both to the council and to their constituents I believe NCCL and the Catechetical ministry will benefit. We might want to establish a Hold Your Rep Accountable Day. We want to thank the Archdiocese of Omaha for the support they gave to the meeting. A special word of thanks goes out to Cathi Snyder for her help and support.
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