Thursday, December 21, 2006
Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Sandy Compas
Associate Religious Education Director of Little Rock
killed in car accident
Sandy Compas |
The diocesan offices were eerily silent Monday morning, Dec. 4 when the news broke that Compas was killed in a car accident the night before near Bald Knob. She was returning to the state from a friend's diaconate ordination in
Msgr. J. Gaston Hebert, diocesan administrator, and Dennis Lee, chancellor for administrative affairs, gathered employees in Morris Hall Chapel at St. John Center in Little Rock to share the news and lead them in a rosary for the repose of Compas' soul. At
She is survived by her mother, Mildred; and one sister, Lynn. Funeral arrangements are pending.
Received from NCCL's National Office
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
"What a Catechist Is and Does
Monday, October 30, 2006
Committee on Rural Ministry

Technology and the Conference

We need to be aggressive with our use of technology in our conference work and our ministry. The incorporation of technology into our work is no longer a luxury but an essential tool of communication. Our experience in Omaha taught us that internet access, computers and LCD projectors are valuable tools for our work. Affordable internet access needs to be available at all sites used by NCCL for meetings and workshops.
RE Omaha Rep Council Meeting

I planned to blog for the duration of the Council meeting however, for some reason I was not able to connect to Blogger. Oh the plans of mice and ... On the whole it was a very good meeting. Many of the new Council members found the orientation to and review of the purpose of the Council very helpful. I heard several council members say, "Now I understand our role." Be sure to ask your Province Rep for the minutes from the meeting. The officers made a big push for reps to be accountable to both the Council and to their constituents. I appreciated the emphasis given to accountability. If Council Reps take their responsibility seriously and hold themselves accountable both to the council and to their constituents I believe NCCL and the Catechetical ministry will benefit. We might want to establish a Hold Your Rep Accountable Day. We want to thank the Archdiocese of Omaha for the support they gave to the meeting. A special word of thanks goes out to Cathi Snyder for her help and support.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Report from USCCB
Members of the Rep Council had a very good dialogue with Mike Steier who answered questions with respect to the USCCB’s Report. Much of the discussion focused on the National Doctrinal Curriculum Framework for High Schools. For more information contact Mike at USCCB.
Comments from Bishop Malone

Bishop Malone opened our Saturday morning session with a survey of the reorganization and strategic plan for the USCCB. The proposal takes the Conference from 36 committees to 16. The Conference will set up a committee on Catechesis and Evangelization. The Rep Council is encourage that evangelization will be the primary focus of the mission of the Conference. As a result, all activities of the conference will be evaluated through the lens of evangelization. A key mission relationship for the Catechesis and Evangelization Committee will be with catechetical, stewardship and evangelization organizations. The plan is available on the USCCB web site. Bishop Malone reported that response to the US Adult Catechism has been very positive. When used well, Bishop Malone said, it will be a good resource.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Something to Remember
Echoes of Faith Plus

Ed Gordon and Jo Rotunno introduced the new Echoes of Faith Plus and the revision of Echoes of Faith modules. Jo said the revised modules will be available by December. By the end of 2007 14 modules will be revised and in parishes. After the revisions are made they hope to begin producing modes NCCL requested. Progress is being made. Jo 's asked the members of the Rep Council how the booklet, DVD and CD Rom fit together. The booklet drives the process of Echoes of Faith. Catechist formation needs to happen in a community of faith. This process is at the heart of Echoes of Faith. You will not be able to access less than half the content if you only turn on the DVD. The whole of the content and formation is the result of using the booklet,
DVD and CD. Ed reminded us that Echoes of Faith is the product of NCCL. It is our product and we need to talk about it and use Echoes of Faith as well. Let's get behind Echoes of Faith. By the way there will be a CD glued to the back of each booklet. The CD will augment Echoes of Faith process. This CD will be a resource and a support for the Echoes of Faith participant. For more information visit RCL's web site here.
Rural Catechesis Committee
Committee Chairs
Executive Committee | Mary Ann Ronan |
Project Viability | Mary Ann Ronan |
Strategic Oversight | Harry Dudley |
Finance Committee | Lorraine DeLuca |
Development Subcommittee | Sr. Jane Marie Osterholt, SP |
Leadership Discernment | Joseph Swiss |
Publication | Dave Galusha |
Annual Meeting | Barbara Romanello-Whitman |
Membership | Joan McKeown and Andrea Sabor |
Communications | Ann Roat |
Standards & Certification | Garole Gastelum and Carol Jadach |
Technology | Angela Ann Zukowski, MHSH |
Adult Faith Formation | Jack McBride |
Catechesis and Culture | Mary Jo Waggoner |
Catechist Formation | Ken Ogorek |
Theoretical Foundations for Catechesis | Maribeth Mancin |
Catechist Formation (Echoes) | Ed Gordon |
By-laws and Policy Review | Jim Tucker |
Operation Catechesis | Jeanne Schremp |
Executive Director Search | Maribeth Mancini & Carole Augustine |
Powerful Challenge
Harry challenged members of the Rep Council to ask, “Who have I invited to Catechetical ministry?”
Coming to you from Omaha

The Rep Council opened in
Rep Council trivia: Since there are 32 provinces we have a potential of 32 Diocesan reps and 32 PCL reps with partner organization the Council could have 89 members. 53 people are participating in the Omaha Rep Council meeting. 29 of the 32 Provinces are represented by a Diocesan person. 9 Provinces are represented by PCLs. All the provinces who have named a PCL rep are in attendance.
The Council moved into table discussion around three questions:
- Who is represented at the table?
- Who is not represented at the table?
- What challenges might this reality pose to the Rep Council of the NCCL?
- Outreach to diocese and other organizations
- Clarify the value of NCCL to possible members
- Enter into dialogue with diocesan offices regarding participation on the Rep Council
- There are financial issues to address
- Regions of the country are different and we need to address the differences.
Strengths of the Council:
- Flexibility
- The Chaos resulting from our commitment to to stay located in the Grass Roots
- Commitment to Cat Excellence
- Structure for local regional and national Catechetical Voice
- Structure for planning and visioning-Network to foster growth
Monday, October 16, 2006
Youth Ministry in a Culturally Diverse Church
Rep Council to Meet in Omaha
Friday, October 13, 2006
Sr. Miriam Eble, SND
Sunday, October 01, 2006
It has been quiet

Our diocese started a new catechist certification program. We began designing, what we are calling the Core Course, in February and launched the program this fall. To be sure we have been busy. We are using the Compendium as the text for the four week course. About 250 people participated in our first round of courses. Our goal is for all 1,500 of our catechists to have participated in the course by the fall of 2008. Starting in the fall of 2008 catechists and anyone teaching religion will be expected to be certified at the core level within their first year of ministry. Response to the Compendium as a text for this course has been mixed. However, course participants find the Compendium a positive entry into a deeper understanding of Catholic teaching. One question that produced some extended research and much discussion is, "How many and what are the precepts of the Church?" How would you answer this question?
We are also developing a database to keep records on people who've completed the course and are therefore certified at the core level. We want to make the database accessible to parishes so as people move around the diocese a DRE or pastor can confirm a persons certification. Developing a database accessible by the parishes is a challenging project. If anyone is already doing this in Access I'd like to hear from you. That's the long and short of it. I hope your program year is off to a great start. Let us know what's going on in your part of the world.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
"Eternal Forces" is part of a new wave of religious games coming out at a time when the mainstream industry faces increasing criticism that its products celebrate misogynistic mayhem. Another publisher is marketing games based on the "Veggie Tales" series of Christian videos for children. Another is pitching "Bibleman: A Fight for Faith," about a superhero who stands up for the word of God with his sidekicks Cypher and Biblegirl.Read the article here.
Games "will be a new tool to get the two-minute generation to think about matters of eternal importance in a way that isn't religious," said Troy A. Lyndon, one of the "Left Behind" game's creators.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Permitted and Prohibited Items
Due to enhanced security measures liquids, gels, lotions and other items of similar consistency will not be permitted in carry-on baggage. These types of items must be packed in your checked baggage.
Additionally, liquids, gels and lotions purchased beyond the checkpoint but must be disposed of before boarding the aircraft.
Click here for information on permitted and prohibited items.
Friday, July 14, 2006
204,000 Fewer Students
There were some 729,000 high school students enrolled in parish religious education programs, 26,00 fewer than the previous year. Elementary students in religious education numbered nearly 3.5 million, but the total was 81,000 below the previous years figure.As a diocesan director, I would like to discuss this drop in participation. Several questions do come to mind. Are there any other studies that report the same drop in participation? If the Catholic population in the U. S. is increasing, as the article says, why is participation in religious education programs dropping? Are there fewer children to share the faith with or are families opting not to send their children? If they are opting not to send their children, I wonder why. Is the drop in participation uniform across the country, the same in rural and urban areas and the same across cultural lines? So many questions.
In all, the number of Catholic children receiving faith formation in Catholic schools or religious education programs last year was 204,000 lower than the year before.
Friday, July 07, 2006
Diocesan Director Survey
• What are your most important considerations in determining whether to attend NCCL’s annual conference?
• In looking to services from NCCL, which are the top three you look for?
• What are your top two or three major concerns/needs as a diocesan director?
• NCCL has a forum specifically established for diocesan directors. In what
ways can the forum function to make it the most beneficial to you?
• If NCCL could focus its energies and resources on only one issue
this coming year, what would that be for you?
I would find it helpful to discuss our answers to these questions. Share your responses with us on the DDRE forum email list. If you are not yet a member of the list please join us on the DDRE Forum email list. To join the list you will need to register with Google Groups. If you have any difficulty joining the group please let me know at
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Jeanne Brady
Visitation is on Wednesday, July 5th from 6 - 9 pm at Prince of Peace Church, 16000 W. 143rd, Olathe, KS 66062
Funeral Mass is on Thursday, July 6th at 10 am, Prince of Peace Church, Olathe, KS. Burial at Resurrection Cemetery.
If you wish to make a donation in Jeanne's honor, she was working with English as a 2nd language program after her retirement. Donations can be sent to:
Project Finish
1477 E. 151st Street
Olathe, Kansas 66062
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Bishop Wuerl appointed Archbishop Of Washington
WASHINGTON (May 16, 2006)—Pope Benedict XVI accepted the resignation of Cardinal Theodore E. McCarrick of Washington and appointed Bishop Donald W. Wuerl of Pittsburgh as his successor.
The Pope accepted the resignation of Bishop Joseph L. Imesch of Joliet, Illinois and named Bishop J. Peter Sartain of Little Rock, Arkansas as Bishop of Joliet.
Read the story here.
Fr. Gallagher's PowerPoint
“Culture: Faith’s Friend or Foe” is available on NCCL's web site. Access the PowerPoint here.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
"God's Call Comes by Cellphone"
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Catholic Education and the New Apologetics
Was your In Box full after Chicago?
Friday, May 05, 2006
Mancini and Roat Elected

Officers Elected
Mary Ann Ronan - President
Rev. David Loftus - Vice President
Janet Schaeffler, OP - Secretary
Lorraine S DeLuca - Treasurer
Congratulations to our new officers.
The election provided more excitement than we expected. After a historic three ballots produced no elected slate the Board gathered and determined the outcome. Joe Swiss, Chair of the Discernment Committee, announced the institutional vote was tied on the third ballot. Remember, if a third round of voting is necessary and neither slate carries a majority of both the institutional votes and the individual votes, the slate that carries the institution vote is declared the winner. The slate of Ronan, Loftus, Schaeffler and DeLuca received a significant majority of votes from the Individual Ballots. The Board's action brought a lively campaign season to a close.
We also offer a special word of thanks to our outgoing officers for their service. So, Anne Comeaux, Rev. Tony Salim, Mary Ann Ronan and DJ Florian --- Thank you! We do appreciate all you gave to NCCL.
Monday, March 27, 2006
“Why a DDRE Forum Blog?”
On November 16, 2004 we asked the question, “Why a DDRE Forum Blog?” Read the post here.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
A time to select our leadership
The two slates are:
- Harry Dudley - President
- Charleen O’Connell - Vice President
- Marc Gonzalez - Treasurer
- Kathy Gallo - Secretary
- Mary Ann Ronan - President
- Fr. David Loftus - Vice President
- Loraine DeLuca - Treasurer
- Sr. Janet Schaeffler - Secretary
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Proposed DDRE Forum Gathering Agenda
Agenda for the Forum Gathering:
3:30 Prayer
3: 45 Developing a Catechetical Plan for the Diocese
The NDC directs dioceses to develop a catechetical plan. This segment of the gathering will present a process to help Directors network and resource one another on this vital issue. . The results of each roundtable discussion would be provided to the directors afterward.
4:30 Reflections on the Symposium: The New Catechetical Reality
This segment will give directors a chance to process insights gained at the recent symposium with Richard Gaillardetz. It could add further “meat” for the discussions about the diocesan catechetical plan. The results of each roundtable discussion would be provided to the directors afterward.
5:00 Election of New Animators
Replacements for Jim and Mary Kay will be elected at the gathering.
5:15 Other Business Items
This segment might include a brainstorm session on future symposium possibilities and topics.
Also, a chance for the DDRE Forum to communicate anything as a group to NCCL or possibly to propose a resolution regarding a current issue in NCCL or on the national scene.
Share your thoughts on the agenda with the animators at
Nominations for the Role of Animator
- Animators are elected for a three year term
- Plan and facilitate the Forum Meeting at the NCCL Annual Meeting
- One animator will represent the Forum on the Representative Council
- One animator will serve on the Leadership Discernment Committee
- Solicit suggestions for membership on the Animating Team and conduct elections
- Solicit names for conference leadership
- Facilitate networking among forum members
- Help plan forum events to meet the needs of the membership throughout the year
- Communicate with other forums, the board of directors, and the executive committee, and the executive director
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Let the discussion begin
At a recent meeting of the MINK region we discussed our inability to take advantage of technology in our ministry. On arriving home I read an interesting observation on JP Rangaswami Blog, “Confused of Calcutta” that made our discussion all the more depressing. Rangaswami works for an investment bank in London and he said:
“My son Isaac takes two minutes to critique a mobile phone. My daughter Orla holds a dozen IM sessions in parallel while doing her nails, her homework and listening to music. And the youngest, Hope, gets frustrated as only a seven-year-old can, when she can’t install the game she’s bought because of poorly designed parental control filters that should affect web browsing and not CD-ROM installing. They are the future.”I’m convinced we must become more aggressive in our use of technology and digital media. It is not enough to have a web site while those around us have TV and radio networks, podcasts, IM channels, blogs and wikis. Adding an RSS feed to the NCCL web site, making it easier for members to keep up-to-date on changes made to the site, would be a small step forward. With technology we are far behind and the longer we wait the harder it will be to get back in the game.
We also heard from at least one publisher that publishing companies are looking for some guidance from organizations like NCCL and the Directors’ Forum on Safe Environment resources. The question is what would we like to see included in textbooks for Safe Environment Education? Since we are expected to provide Safe Environment training for participants in catechetical programs it seem logical for some of that material to be included in textbooks. So, what advice would we give to the publishers?
Friday, March 10, 2006
Congratulations to the Diocesan Staff Forum
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Meetings, meetings and more meetings.
I found a list of 9 tips for running more product meetings on one of my favorite websites, "43 Folders." So here are Merlin Mann's 9 tips for running more productive meetings.
You might find this hard to understand from me but I especially liked his point number 4. He said,
No electronic grazing. Period. - Laptops closed. Phones off. Blackberries left back in the cube. You’re either at the meeting or you’re not at the meeting, and few things are more distracting or disruptive than the guy who has to check his damned email every five minutes. Schedule breaks for people to fiddle with their toys, but fearlessly enforce a no grazing rule once the meeting’s back in session. Emergency call to take or make? They have to leave the room. No exceptions. If you’re too busy to be at the meeting everyone else has made firewalled time for, just leave.Read all 9 of Merlin's tips here.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Lenten Retreat - "On Bended Knee"
If you are looking for something to enrich your expereience of Lent in 2006 I would suggest the VLCFF seminar, On Bended Knee.
Based on the Pastoral Letter of Bishop Anthony G. Bosco, Diocese of Greensburg, this mini-online course is a spiritual journey for critically reflecting upon one's understanding of the Eucharist and its meaning and impact on our relationships with one another. Eucharist is so much more than getting our attendance card checked off in heaven for attending Mass on the weekend. The Eucharist calls us to service! Environment: While journeying through this mini-course it is appropriate, if you are able, to create a special reflective space or environment to enter into the experience. You may need to select a special time to participate in these sessions to ensure your prayerful journey. You may decide to light a special prayer candle. Begin each session by taking a few moments to center yourself in the presence of God. In session #2, you are asked to reflect on a cross (one given to you for the course or one that is particularly special to you). Journal: It is recommended that you keep a personal journal as you proceed through the mini-course. You may do this in a handbook or as a Word document. The journal helps us to focus and monitor our reflections for growing in understanding how Eucharist calls you to service!
Click here for more information.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Blogging, The Newest Evangelization
Anyone who writes or speaks about Catholic matters and affairs is well advised to take stock of the 'new Catholics,' who receive their informaiton and opinion from an ever-increasing variety of places.
The article is in Church Volume 24, Number 4, page 19 -- 24.
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Compendium of the Catechism Available March 31
Friday, February 03, 2006
Wednesday, February 01, 2006
Neil Parent’s Father Passed Away
Monday, January 30, 2006
Adult Faith Formation Blog
Deus Caritas Est #2
Deus Caritas Est
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Pope Coming To Baltimore in '07
Friday, January 27, 2006
Catechism Update
With a decree dated November 22, 2005 and signed by Dario Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos, the Prefect of the Congregation for the Clergy, and Archbishop Csaba Ternyak, the Secretary of the same Congregation, the bishops of this country were notified that the United States Catholic Catechism for Adults had been given the recognitio necessary for its publication. The projected publication date is March 3 I , 2006.
Symposium follow-up
One of the books Gaillardetz recommended during the symposium was his book, A Daring Promise: A Spirituality of Christian Marriage (Crossroads; 2002). Dennis Beeman, says "I'm rereading this book for the third or fourth time!" Click here for information on the book from Amazon.
Catholic Identity in a Postmodern Context
"Gailardetz also addressed the demise of the Catholic subculture that helped form millions of baby boomer and older Catholics. This loss poses challenges, he said, for forming Catholic identity in an ecumenically sensitive manner. While catechetical leaders must be sensitive to other faiths, they must insure that Catholic teaching is presented with integrity. He concluded with an examination of the levels of authority in Catholic doctrine and discussed how understanding those differences helps constructive dialogue among the Church’s varied ideological populations."Read the whole article here.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Bishops Urge U.S. to Transition Out of Iraq
Declaring that the United States was at a crossroads in Iraq, the nation's Roman Catholic bishops said Thursday the time had come to withdraw U.S. troops as fast as responsibly possible and to hand control of the country to Iraqis.Read the article here.
"Our nation's military forces should remain in Iraq only as long as it takes for a responsible transition, leaving sooner than later," said Bishop Thomas G. Wenski of Orlando, Fla., speaking for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Statement available online at the USCCB site here.
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Discussion of end times
"In fact, there are many Methodists, Episcopalians, and Catholics who now believe that there will be a rapture and Israel will still be here. These (primarily) lay people don't believe this because they are taught it in their churches, as the mainline denominations don't hold any dispensational ideas. Rather they believe this because the mainline denominations have abandoned discussions of the end times completely, and in that theological void many lay people are getting their ideas from the Left Behind series, which is clearly dispensational."Read Whidden's whole column here.