Thursday, June 16, 2005

Symposium Preparation

The following set of articles/book will be recommended for advance reading for the symposium with Richard R. Gaillardetz, December 8 - 10, 2005. Reflection questions will be provided.

Barron, Robert. “Beyond Beige Catholicism.” Church (Summer, 2000): 5-10.

Doyle, Dennis. Beige or Technicolor: Catholicism Requires Different Theological Approaches. Church (Summer, 2000): 11-14.

Gaillardetz, Richard. “Apologetics, Evangelization and Ecumenism Today.” Origins 35 (May 19, 2005): 9-15.

Komonchak, Joseph. 2005. "The Church in Crisis: Pope Benedict's Theological Vision". Commonweal 132 (11):11-4.

Portier, William. “Here Come the Evangelical Catholics,” Communio 31 (Spring, 2004): 35-66.

Rausch, Thomas P. Reconciling Faith and Reason: Apologetics, Evangelists, and Theologians in a Divided Church. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 2000. (Click here for price at

If you have questions about the Symposium contact us at Or leave a comment on the Blog. We do like hearing from you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Church no longer has copies of the Summer 2000 issue and our library did "housecleaning" - can anyone share a copy of the 2 articles? thanks, cathy minkiewicz,