Sunday, May 29, 2005 It's a Wiki, Wiki World -- Jun. 06, 2005 It's a Wiki, Wiki World -- Jun. 06, 2005: "From the Magazine | Business
It's a Wiki, Wiki World
Want to add your 2¢ to an encyclopedia? Join the crowd"
Being the founder of the Internet's largest encyclopedia means Jimmy Wales gets a lot of bizarre e-mail. There are the correspondents who assume he wrote Wikipedia himself and is therefore an expert on everything--like the guy who found vials of mercury in his late grandfather's attic and wanted Wales, a former options trader..."
Here is the link to Religious Education in the Wikipedia. The "Catechesis" does not show up in the encyclopedia at all. Maybe we need to fix that. What do you think? But there is a link to The Catechism of the Catholic Church. Click here.


Anonymous said...

This is an example of a comment.

Don Kurre said...

Test two