Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Operation Catechesis

"...the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

In this Christmas season, as we celebrate in the ever radiant light of Christ, please remember to include Operation Catechesis in your planned sharing and prayers. Operation Catechesis is a project of NCCL to help reestablish parish catechetical programs in the hurricane-ravaged parishes of the Archdiocese of New Orleans and the dioceses of Biloxi, Lake Charles, Houma-Thibodaux and Beaumont .

The money you donate will be earmarked for the first phase of this important project. Resources will be distributed to the dioceses in an equitable manner according to needs identified by the diocesan directors. These dioceses face extreme hardship. Rebuilding the parish as the loci of catechesis will make an enormous difference.

Financial contributions are made payable to:
NCCL/Operation Catechesis
125 Michigan Avenue, NE
Washington, DC 20017 202-884-9753
Credit Card donations can be made online here.

Members of the Operation Catechesis Task Force are in contact with the diocesan directors of the impacted dioceses. Rebuilding these parish programs will take years. The directors are very grateful for NCCL's outreach through Operation Catechesis. Each of these dioceses, understandably, is at a different point in the recovery process. Diocesan directors are in contact with affected parishes and have a fairly good idea of the damage and their preliminary needs.

The next phase involves parishes throughout the country partnering with those in need in the Gulf Coast. Operation Catechesis will remain in close contact with the diocesan directors and will work directly with them to organize these partnerships.

On behalf of the Catholic faithful who are suffering this Christmas season, thank your for your generosity. You are indeed a light shining in the darkness!

Advent Blessings,
Task Force Members of NCCL's Operation Catechesis

125 Michigan Ave., NE w Washington, DC 20017 202-884-9753

Monday, December 12, 2005

Symposium Is a Success

The symposium with Richard Gaillardetz entitled, The New Catechetical Reality: Forming Catholic Identity in a Postmodern Context, held in Elk Grove Illinois December 8, 9, and 10, was an overwhelming success. Nearly 80 diocesan directors, staff and publisher representatives grappled with constraints and aids to forming Catholic Identity. Gaillardetz lead the participants in an indepth exploration of the catechetical reality we face today. A report from the symposium will be posted here on the Director's blog in about a week. Gaillardetz also agreed to make the Power Point he used in his presentations available.

"Operation Catechesis”

Jeanne Schrempf reported that "Operation Catechesis” is under way. The Operation Catechesis committee sent letters of support, prayers and concern to the Dioceses affected by the hurricanes.

“We've been in contact with Diocesan Directors in the effected dioceses voicing NCCL’s concern, prayers and support. We are asking Directors to contact parishes to assess the needs with respect to catechetical ministry” Schrempf said. “What's being called ‘Operation Catechesis’ is an effort to identify parishes that have lost catechetical supplies,” Jeanne reported. Catechetical supplies and centers have been lost and the need for support and assistance will be long term. Response to the project has been good.

The affected dioceses are grateful for the support, prayers and concern of their peers through out the county. Needs identified from the assessment will be put on the NCCL Website under the title "Operation Catechesis." Financial support is also a need. As a result NCCL is being asked to set up a long term fund for people who need help. Jeanne also asked symposium participants and all NCCL members to be aware of the need to publish catechetical openings. People have lost jobs and will loose jobs as the result of these disasters. “We know,” Jeanne said, “we will come together and we will be able to help. Stay tuned.”

Friday, December 09, 2005

With the Snow closing airports and clogging roads the Symposium with Richard Gaillardetz, The New Catechetical Reality: Forming Catholic Identity in a Postmodern Context, began in Elk Grove Illinois. The weather prevented a number of people from arriving in Elk Grove or delayed their arrival. I will not be blogging the Symposium as it unfolds.

[Posted with hblogger 2.0]

Friday, November 25, 2005

Disney Hires Evangelical Publishing Company To Promote Chronicles Of Narnia Across UK Churches…

Britain, UK news from The Times and The Sunday Times - Times Online: "The Walt Disney organisation has appointed Christian Publishers and Outreach, an evangelistic publishing company, to promote the Christian message behind the story in churches across Britain."
Read the story here.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Part 2 of the Interview with Bishop Wuerl

Zenit News Agency - The World Seen From Rome: "Bishop Wuerl on New Catechetical Tools (Part 2)
Read the second part of the interview here.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Zenit News Agency - The World Seen From Rome

Zenit News Agency - The World Seen From Rome: "Bishop Wuerl on New Catechetical Tools (Part 1)

Pittsburgh Prelate Discusses the Compendium

PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania, NOV. 22, 2005 ( In an effort to make Church teachings more accessible to modern Catholics, the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church is being released in English in early 2006.

Bishop Donald Wuerl -- chairman of the American bishops' editorial oversight board for the U.S. Catholic Catechism for Adults and a member of the bishops' Committee on Catechesis -- is heralding the Compendium as a concise yet complete presentation of the faith."

Read the interview here.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Update on the Symposium Readings

"The New Catechetical Reality: Forming Catholic Identity in a Postmodern Context." Since the two article from Church Magazine are no longer available in print, Neil has made arrangements with Church Magazine to reproduce the articles by Robert Barron, "Beyond Beig Catholicism" and by Dennis M. Doyle, "Beige or Technicolor." The National Office will e-mail you a digital copy of both articles. Simply open the files in your graphics program and print them. If you have any trouble let us know and we will do what we can to help. Jim Kemna made arrangements with Tom Walters to share the outline of the talk he gave at the Rep Council meeting with the people who will be attending the Symposium. So please watch for that document as well. At the last count there are at least 71 (that is not a typo!) people registered for the symposium. I'm really excited about this symposium. I think it will be one of the key events in Catechesis for 2005. See you there!
Don Kurre

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Actions taken at the Rep Council meeting

Two actions taken during the Rep Council meeting will be important for Diocesan Directors. First, Anne Comeaux, NCCL President appointed a Hurricane Relief Task force. The purpose of the task force is to gather and coordinate information for NCCL members to use in providing support and assistance to those who've been effected by the recent Hurricanes. For information about the Task Force contact Jeanne Schrempf at Jeanne.Schrempf "at" rcda "dot" org.

Second, following a discussion by the Diocesan Directors Forum members who are on the Rep Council it was decided to make entry to the DDRE Forum meeting during the Annual meeting a ticketed event. Much like the Diocesan Directors Breakfast (During the 2006 Annual Meeting it will be a luncheon) which has always been a ticketed event. In the past uninvited people came to the DDRE Forum meeting including members of the press. Participants in the discussion felt that implementing a ticked model would make the Forum gathering more focused, productive and profitable.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Directors' Email Group

During the October Rep Council meeting several members of the Diocesan Directors Forum suggested we start an email group. An email group is similar to a list serve. When members send an email to the list address each member of the list will receive a copy of the email. This list will be A Restricted Group - People must be invited to join the group and post or read messages. The group and its archives do not appear in public Google search results or the directory. The address for the group is:

If you would like to receive an invitation to the group send an email to Don Kurre at and I will subscribe you to the list. I'm predicting that the volumn of email will be light. You do have the option of receiving the list emails in a daily archive. One email per day. Please join the group and the conversation. Your participation is important.
Don Kurre,

Pictures from the Rep Counci Meeting

I created an album of the photographs I took during the Rep Council meeting. You will find the album here. No names just pictures.
Don Kurre

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Lively Table Discussion

We had some lively and energetic table discussions around Echoes of Faith and Catechist training. A varity of issues were discussed and shared. The energy in this group around the issue of catechist training is powerful. The passion of the members of the Rep Council for this ministry is as an important resource for Catechesis.

Neil Parent reported that NCCL had paid down the production loan for the Echoes of Faith program and therefore could beging to plan new "Echoes of Faith" modules.

Echoes EchoesEchoes

We've broken even! As of two weeks ago the debt to RCL and the Leach family has been paid down. The contractual agreement signed in 1995 by NCCL has been fulfilled which now allows the Conference to begin to look at the creation of additional modules for formation.

In a survey sent to representative council members concerning Echoes of Faith, the following 4 topics surfaced as those most desired to augment what is already available:

Adult Faith Formation
Adolescent Catechesis
National Directory for Catechesis
Social Issues

The representative council engaged in lively and energized conversation around the following questions:
How do we enhance Echoes familiarity and advance usage of the tool already available? -and- Which module would be the one (from the four listed above) that we would like to pursue first?

No decisions were made at the meeting, but it was clear that the group is very much in favor of offering more topics and continuing the Echoes model for catechist formation.

Catechetical Leaders and Seminarians

Tom Walters gave an energetic presentation to the Rep Council this morning. The title of Tom's presentation was "Catechetical Leaders collaborating with clergy in light of finds in the study of current seminarians." We'll post some of the input given by Tom in the near future. Tom's presentation gave members of the Rep Council important insights into the collaboration between seminarians and catechetical leaders.

Trends in Catechesis

Late into Friday night the Council took time to identified current trends in Catechetics. The discussion was held in intergenerational table groups and surfaced a variety of trends. The trends identified include:
  • Changes in Diocesan Staffs
  • Growing popularity of Whole Community Catechesis
  • A lack of trained catechetical personel on the parish and diocesan levels
  • Changes in parish life that radically impact catechesis
  • A need to provide undergraduate and graduate tracks for PCLs
  • Home schooling
  • Impact of Safe Environment programs
The complete list of trends surfaced by the Council will be used to help set the agenda for the Conference well into the future. Leave a comment on the trends you see in catechesis.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Walters Guides Rep Council

Tom Walters facilitated a session in which the Rep Council examined its role. Walters asked small table groups to examine what was and was not working with respect to the Council's role to formulate the values of the Conference, represent the constituency of the Conference and to consult for the Board. A variety of issues ranging from communication and a need to have a more direct role in determining the Council's agenda were shared with the Board. President, Anne Comeaux, said that the Board was listening and would discuss the issues surfaced by the Council and address them as appropriate.

Commitee Members Needed

NCCL continues to conduct a major portion if its work through the committees and task forces of the conference. If you are looking for a way to engage more completely in the work and mission of the organization, committees and task forces are looking for you! The following is a brief list of those work groups seeking to augment membership:

Catechesis and Culture
Recruitment and Retention
Theological Foundations

If you would be willing to serve, please contact Fr. Tony Salim at

Board Nominees

NCCL is looking for people to nominate for the NCCL Board. Please share the names of people you think would be great board members. Leave a comment and we will pass on the names to the discernment committee.

Officer Slates Affirmed

During our Friday morning session the Rep Council affirmed the two slates. The slates are:

Slate one
Mary Ann Ronan, President, Phoenix
Sr. Janet Scheffler, Secretary, Detroit
Lorrain DeLuca, Treasurer, Texas
Father David Loftus, VP, LA
Slate two
Harry Dudley, President, Indianapolis
Charlene O' Connel, VP, Texas
Marc Gonzales, Treasurer, San Fancisco
Kathy Gallo, Secretary, Boston

Assistance for hurrican victims discussed

The high point of the first session of the Rep Council meeting was the discussion of ways to help hurricane victims. A special plea for parish religious education programs was voiced during the discussion. Parish religious education programs seem to be the overlooked victims of the hurricanes. People, buildings and schools are the focus of relief efforts and yet the need for relief for religious education programs is just as great. Neil said NCCL will serve as a clearing house for updated information on the needs for support and help as people rebuild. Check NCCL’s website for specific information.

New members of the Rep Council were also introduced. We also received reports from the Ann regarding her work as President. Jim Tucker gave us an update from the Bylaws Review Committee. Things are in process Jim said.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Fall Rep Council Meeting Begins

Rep Council members are gathering at the Holiday Inn for the beginning of the Fall Rep Council Meeting. 52 members of the council will be gathering for the 2005 Fall meeting. I hope to be able to Blog this meeting since we have wireless access to the internet throughout the Holiday Inn. Please post questions and responses to the work of the Council. Mary Kay (returning to the RC for a new term) and Joe wait in the lobby to be joined by other members of their committee. Our agenda has time for committees to conduct their business. That's all from the Elk Grove Holiday Inn for now. I'm Don Kurre and I look forward to hearing from you during this meeting.

Monday, October 24, 2005

A Vision for Catechesis

The October 27, 2005 issue of Origins contains a pastoral letter from Bishop Saltarelli titled, "Go and Teach: Facing the Challenges of Catechesis Today." Bishop Saltarelli says:
"I know that effective catechesis never occurs in a vacuum. Virbrant parish life is the soil in which catechetical ministry flourishes."

Friday, October 21, 2005

Synod: Catechesis in a Secular Culture

The October 20, 2005 issue of Origins contains a number of interventions from the world Synod of Bishops in Rome. Of particular interest is Bishop Wuerl's intervention titled, Synod: Catechesis in a Secular Culture. " A pull quote from Origins,
"Perhaps the single biggest challenge that we as followers of Christ face today is the great disparity between what we see in faith as the horizon of life and what this secular culture and materially focused world see as the goal, end and purpose of life."

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Representative Council Agenda

Items on the Agenda for the Representative Council meeting to be held October 27-29, 2005 Chicago, IL

Report on up dating of by-laws
Report on strategic directives
President's report
Reports from committees
- Membership
- Development
- NDC Project
Remarks from Episcopal Moderator -- Bishop Richard Malone
Report from Executive Director -- Neil Parent
Report from USCCB -- Michael Steier
Remarks/reports from partner constituencies
Process for fleshing out roles and identity of Representative Council Facilitator -- Tom Walters
Listening from Representative Council members (needs and issues of constituencies)
Committee meetings
Presentation on "Catechetical Leaders collaborating with clergy in light of findings in study of current seminarians." – Tom Walters
Rep Council input:
- New Echoes modules
- Catechist formation needs…beyond Echoes
- Training and formation of PCLs in light of national Standards
- Other needs

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Safe Environment Curriculum

While providing resources for parishes to conduct Safe Environment Education for the youth and young adults in parish programs we began wondering, “Would it be possible to include Safe Environment or Child Protection materials in textbooks?” Becasuse parish catechists often find it difficult to integrate supplemental materials into their lessons it would be helpful if some basic Safe Environment or Child Protection materials were in the textbook. Since the Textbook/Catechist Manual is the primary resource for most parish catechists it seems logical that child protection materials would be included in the textbooks.

What do you think? Would you like to see Safe Environment or Child Protection materials included in textbooks? Would you like to see the DDRE Forum begin a conversation with Publishers to include the material in their texts? Leave a comment and let us know what your thinking. I would like to bring this issue up at the October Rep Council meeting. Click on the comments link below and share your thoughts.


Friday, October 07, 2005

Monika Hellwig

I read today in the West Nebraska Register that Monika Hellwig died on September 30, 2005. The headline read, "Hellwig, noted theologian and author, dies after suffering stroke."
Catholic News Service reproted:
WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Noted theologian and author Monika Hellwig died at Washington Hospital Center Sept. 30 after suffering a severe stroke. She was 74 years old. She had just recently retired as president and executive director of the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities. Hellwig taught theology for more than 30 years at Georgetown University before taking up the ACCU post. Just days before her death she had taken up a new position as a research fellow at the university's Woodstock Theological Center. A former president of the Catholic Theological Society of America, she received numerous honors and awards for her work, including more than 30 honorary degrees.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

USCCB's NDC Denver Workshop

Mike Steier answers questions during the USCCB's Denver workshop on implementation of the National Directory for Catechesis.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

NDC Workshop

I’m in Denver CO waiting to participate in the USCCB’s NDC workshop. I’ve heard good reports from several people who’ve attended the workshops. I’m looking forward to hearing what Dan and Mike have to say about the Directory. Is there someway we can share outlines we’ve created to conduct workshops on the NDC in our own Dioceses? If we found a way to share workshop outlines over the internet would you share files or accessing outlines from other dioceses? Leave a comment and let us know what you think about sharing NDC workshop outlines.


Monday, September 26, 2005

Fall 2005 Rep Council Meeting

The Fall 2005 Rep Council Meeting will be held October 27-29, 2005 at the Holiday Inn in Elk Grove Village, IL. The meeting will begin with dinner at Dinner 5:30 PM. We end with Mass on Saturday at 5 PM. New Rep Council members will have an orientation on Thursday at 4:30. I will post the agenda for the meeting once the agenda is published.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Treasures from the NDC

I’m finding some treasures as I work my way through the National Directory for Catechesis. For example the Conclusion to chapter two is an excellent summary. (NDC pages 67 – 68) I find the part of the conclusion quoted below useful to explain catechesis to parents, catechists and even first year parish catechetical leaders.

Catechesis nurtures the seed of faith sown by the Holy Spirit through the initial proclamation of the Gospel. It gives growth to the gift of faith given in Baptism and elaborates the meaning of the sacraments. Catechesis develops a deeper understanding of the mystery of Christ, encourages more profound incorporation into the Church, and nourishes Christian living. It encourages discipleship in Christ and instructs in Christian prayer. Just as the mission of evangelization enlivens the Church’s pastoral and missionary activity, catechesis makes concrete her mission of evangelization. It constitutes the “Good News” that Christ commissioned his apostles to spread throughout the whole world and announce to every person. (NDC page 68)

Monday, September 19, 2005

Diocesan Directors Symposium--Info Sent

An email with registration information for the December Symposium has been sent to Diocesan Directors. As you know,Dr. Gaillardetz will be working with us to examine the contemporary cultural and ecclesial contexts in which we minister. We will have the opportunity to explore the variety of ecclesiologies underlying the pluralism in today's Church and to develop strategies for carrying out catechetical ministry in this postmodern environment.

Who: Diocesan Directors and those invited by diocesan directors

When: December 8-10, 2005
Begins 7 PM on Thursday ends 6 PM on Saturday

Where: Holiday Inn Elk Grove Village, IL

How much: The total costs for the symposium, including registration, room, reception Thursday evening, breakfast, lunch, dinner on Friday and breakfast and lunch on Saturday, are as follows:

Single 2 nights:$385.
Single 3 nights:$465 (Saturday evening)

Double 2 nights:$305.
Double 3 nights:$345 (Saturday evening)

Financial Assistance available. To obtain an application contact Patty Vrabel at

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Katherine J. Kandefer, BVM, 202.884.9755, or Jim Kemna, 573-635-9127,, who has been chairing the planning committee for the event.

Click here for a list of advanced reading material for the symposium.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Bishops' Ad Hoc Committee Meets with Publishers

Just received this from NCEA's Department Of Religious Education Executive Director Diana Dudoit Raiche

Bishops' Ad Hoc Committee to Oversee the Use of the Catechism - Meeting with Publishers of Catechetical Materials:

Approximately 20 publishers and invited representatives from national organizations met with the Ad Hoc Committee to Oversee the Use of the Catechism on September 9, 2005. Bishop Leonard P. Blaire of Toledo, OH chaired the meeting for Archbishop Alfred C. Hughes of New Orleans, who was unable to attend. Of the topics discussed, the following seven items may be of interest to diocesan and parish catechetical leaders.

1. The Compendium to the Catechism of the Catholic Church is not intended to supplant the Catechism, but it is expected to be an ancillary text suitable for Catholic high school and possibly some junior high school students. Following the four-pillar structure of the Catechism, the Compendium, a new composition, includes prayers in the vernacular as well as in Latin, and includes formulas of Catholic doctrine. Memorization of common formulas of the faith and prayers in Latin is encouraged.

2. United States Catholic Catechism for Adults awaits the recognitio from Rome. Based on the 15 months that it took to receive the recognitio for the National Directory for Catechesis, approval of the adult catechism could possibly arrive in early 2006.

3. Catechetical Treatment of the Trinity: Retaining the mystery of the Holy Trinity is a matter of concern. As the central mystery of our faith, it is necessary to present and explain the divinely revealed names of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is acceptable to use the title God, as is commonly done for the First Person alone, provided that it is made clear that each Divine Person individually can properly be called God.

4. Justice and Charity: It is important not to confuse these two concepts and to offer a parallel treatment of them. Justice refers to what is due human beings as human beings. Rather than an act of duty, charity is giving that is motivated out of love.

5. Doctrinal Guidelines for High School Materials: Consultation from the field regarding these Guidelines is completed. It is expected the Guidelines will go before the Bishops for vote in June 2006. Each bishop will implement the Guidelines as he sees fit.

6. Guiding Principles for Education in Human Sexuality focuses on morality, virtues, the moral virtue of chastity, doctrinal elements, as well as the rights and responsibilities of parents, the Church's role and the role of directors for education. Still in process, this document is expected to go before the Bishops at the 2006 November meeting.

7. Whole Community Catechesis should be used in conjunction with ordinary, systematic catechesis.
Department of Religious Education newsletters available here.

Monday, September 12, 2005

National Directory for Catechesis

I’m thinking about the upcoming Rep Council meeting. The Rep Council will met October 27, 2005 through October 29, 2005 for its fall meeting. I hope one of the agenda items will be a discussion of the NDC. Specifically I hope we will articulate the support Provinces and Organizations would like to see NCCL offer as they implement the NDC in their provinces and organizations. Given the Directory’s emphasis on planning I would like to see a comprehensive list of planning tools parishes, dioceses and organizations could use in developing a process to plan for catechesis. What about an evaluation tool dioceses and parishes could use to evaluate their catechetical efforts based on the Directory. The list of 23 functions for a diocesan catechetical office found on pages 250 – 252 would work to create an evaluation form. What other tools do we need because of the vision painted by the Directory?


Thursday, September 08, 2005

Please Comment

The DDRE Forum blog allows for you to add comments. To add a comment click on the “comment” link you will find at the bottom of each blog entry. Then click on the link “Post a comment” link which will bring you to a box to type in your comment. If you want to sign up for a blogger account click the appropriate box or make your comments “Anonymously.” If you have trouble please let us know by sending an email to Join the discussion by leaving a comment.

Friday, September 02, 2005

LIM and LIMEX Temporary Web page

The Loyola Institute for Ministry Hurricane Update Page is located here.
You will find links for sharing course materials and other LIM and LIMEX resources. The site also contains links with other information on New Orleans.

Loyola New Orleas Link

Loyola New Orleans

The following information from the Loyolan New Orleans Blog
Loyola New Orleans is closed at this time. The University experienced only minor physical damage from the storm; however, the threat of rising water is a continual concern. At this time, we have personnel onsite assessing the damage and making necessary emergency repairs. Obviously, no determination has been made about resuming normal operations.

Click here for the blog.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Communicating with Loved ones!

I can't take credit for this idea. I first read it here. With my own children in three different cities and my parents and siblings scattered all over the country I plan on implementing this idea.
"have we conjured a definitive communications plan, for our loved ones, to employ in the event of a disaster? The American Red Cross encourages every household to develop a 'Family Communication Plan.'"

We've already added the "ICE" item to our cell phones and PDAs. (ICE stands for Incase of an Emergency.) Now I see it is time to take the next step.

If you have word from or about any of our members in the HURRICANE region leave us a comment (Click on the comment link below) or send us an email at and I'll post your comment.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


If you are looking for information on Hurricane Katrina here are a few links:
Everything New Orleans is here.
Round up of Charities is here.
BBC News is here.
The Christian Science Monitor Daily on Line is here.
Google News is here.

Halley's Comment: But For The Grace Of God Go .... All Of Us

Halley's Comment: But For The Grace Of God Go .... All Of Us: "But For The Grace Of God Go .... All Of Us
Try to imagine someone just told you the entire city you live in ... New Orleans, in this case ... will be uninhabitable for several months.

In other words, whatever you have with yo -- most likely only one suitcase -- is all you have until Christmas.

Your home, probably your job, all your possessions, are destroyed or off limits.

Where do you go?

What do you do?

How on earth do you manage?

And this was a hurricane but could have been any number of other natural disasters."

This post form Halley Suitt's blog Halley's Comment, made me wonder, "How on earth do you manage?"

During a workshop I conducted last night (8/30) we prayed Psalm 27.
"The Lord is my light and my salvation;
whome shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life:
of whom shall I be afraid? "
When there is little to nothing I can do and words fall so short our ritural of praying the Psalms is comforting.

Monday, August 29, 2005

The New Catechetical Reality

"The New Catechetical Reality: Forming Catholic Identity in a Postmodern Context" symposium for Catechetical Leadership is scheduled for the December 8 – 10, 2005. "The New Catechetical Reality: Forming Catholic Identity in a Postmodern Context" symposium will be held at the Holiday Inn Elk Grove Village near O’Hare airport. The cost of the symposium will be between $305 and $465. The cost includes the registration fee, room and board for two or three nights with a single room or double room. We hope you will make plans to participate in the Symposium. Watch for details and additional registration material coming to an in-box near you shortly after September 1, 2005. Click here for a list of advanced reading material for the symposium. Read the registration material for information on scholarships.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Board drafts new NCCL Mission Statement

As a member of the NCCL Representative Council I recently received the following Email from the NCCL Board of Directors.
Dear Colleagues:
As the board of directors prepared to do strategic goals and objectives on the weekend of June 24-26 in Chicago, our facilitator helped us to realize that we needed to articulate our lived mission in current language to enable the board and the members to make the necessary decisions for our future.

We are excited by the following statement's simplicity and by the mutual agreement and excitement this conversation generated with among board members. It's not perfect but we think that we need to live with it and see how it may help us to promote energy and focus to our catechetical efforts.

We consider you to be a key catechetical leader in the organization (because of your role in the representative council, committee, or as a past president or a representative of an affiliated organization,)

Therefore the board committed to personally share this statement and our enthusiasm with each of you first, so that you will be ready to answer questions when others contact you after we soon share this statement with the general membership.

We look forward to seeing you in the Fall Representative council Oct 27-29 as we look at what this strengthened and refined statement will mean for us all and for our efforts in the catechetical ministry.

It is our hope that every leader, committee chair and staff member will look at what we do in light of this mission. As we move into our planning of goals and objectives for these coming years, our members, the representative council, the forums and constituencies, and the Office Staff will all need to consider:

What is (my, our) role in this mission as representative council, forums, committees, task forces, Office Staff, etc. ?
Who is responsible for authorizing this aspect of NCCL decision making?
Who implements this NCCL decision?
Who are the key supporters needed to guarantee the success of this decision?
Who should be informed about this decision?

The statement is:
The Mission of NCCL is "To go and make disciples"(Matt: 28:19) by creating a community of catechetical leaders who:
Read "the signs of the times" regarding catechesis and explore their underlying questions;
Promote effective catechesis for our times;
Recruit, develop and support catechetical leaders; and
Offer our expertise to our Bishops, pastors and the entire Church.
After reading the email I sent the following email.

I would be glad to talk with you about the “NCCL Mission Statement.” However, I have some strong and immediate reactions that will not wait. This work is further evidence that convinces me NCCL is no longer a grassroots organization. Here a, non-representative group of nine, determines the mission of a so-called grassroots organization. Where was the consultation? If the Rep Council is the heart of NCCL why was the heart not consulted? Why were the Forums not consulted? Regardless of the quality of the statement, even though the Board says, “It's not perfect but we think that we need to live with it,“ the process used to create the statement disregards the values that make NCCL different and valuable for Catechetical Ministry in this country. Mission Statements to be effective require the ownership of the membership. Why should we “look at what we do in light of this mission” when we had no part in establishing it. The Board owes the membership more respect than this! We seem to have abandoned our core identity and for that I grieve.
Don Kurre
reo at nque dot com

I want to encourage the members of the DDRE Forum to contact your representative on the Representative Council, the members of the Board of Directors and Forum Animators and let them know how you feel not only about the content of this statement but also about the process used to establish a new NCCL mission statement. Now is the time to speak out!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Something to think about

David Haberman, the Chair of the Indiana University’s Department of Religious Studies, had some interesting comments on religion in the Summer 2005 issue of the Relgious Studies Alumni Newsletter. Haberman said in part,

I have recently finished reading Reza Asian's new book No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam. Not only do I recommend this book as a great read, but I also believe that it highlights the fact that religion is a highly influential — yet vastly contentious — force in global affairs today. The need to understand religion is, therefore, greater than ever. Asian remarks in his book: "Considering how effortlessly religious dogma has become intertwined with political ideology since 9/11, how can we overcome the clash-of-monotheisms mentality that has so deeply entrenched itself in the modern world? Clearly, education and tolerance are essential. But what is most desperately needed is not so much a better appreciation of our neighbor's religion as a broader, more complete understanding of religion itself." I could not agree more; these are times of ideological religious warfare. To understand the tremendous struggle going on within almost every religious tradition today to define the nature of that tradition, one must grasp how religion functions in public life.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

It's wiki time

As diocesan offices face reduced budgets and small staffs we find ourselves looking for new and less expensive ways for working together or colaborating. If you need to revise a document or prepare new guidelines for choosing catechetical texts you might find a wiki helpful. (The name wiki is derived from a Hawaiian word for "quick") Follow this link to a PC Magazine article titled, "Working Together With Wikis." If you need to save time, money and generally be more productive why not try a wiki?

When faith and science meet.

I would like to see the Diocesan Directors Forum create a resource for catechists who will need to address the issue of "intelligent design" (ID). It would be in our best interest to provide resources for catechists who will lead discussion on ID from the perspective of Catholic Tradition. The Roman Catholic tradition has much wisdom to share in a discussion of the relationship between faith and science. We need to avoid the mistakes of the past. Providing catechists with a resource to use in bringing that wisdom to the discussion of ID is a service the DDRE Forum can provide. Any one interested in leading such a project?

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Frist Backs 'Intelligent Design' Teaching - Yahoo! News

Frist Backs 'Intelligent Design' Teaching - Yahoo! News: "NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Echoing similar comments from
President Bush, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said 'intelligent design' should be taught in public schools alongside evolution.

Frist, R-Tenn., spoke to a Rotary Club meeting Friday and told reporters afterward that students need to be exposed to different ideas, including intelligent design.

'I think today a pluralistic society should have access to a broad range of fact, of science, including faith,' Frist said."

Friday, August 19, 2005

Churches seeking marketing-savvy breed of pastor

A year ago, the Rev. Scott Schlotfelt was weighing job offers from three churches smitten by what he had to offer.

But they weren't talking about his preaching or counseling skills. What they were seeking, like a number of churches across the United States, was some savvy marketing. And like a growing number of pastors, consultants, and volunteers, Mr. Schlotfelt was eager to do some branding for the Lord.

"I've kind of had a heart for marketing, [and] I think a lot of churches are looking for outreach" specialists, says Schlotfelt, outreach pastor at Mountain Christian Church in Joppa, Md. He received his undergraduate degree in marketing, then studied for the ministry and helped

Read the article from the Christian Science Monitor here.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Symposium with Richard R. Gaillardetz Update

The Symposium Planning Committee held a conference call Friday, August 12, 2005 to continue planning for the December 8 – 10, 2005 Symposium for Catechetical Leadership. The Committee agreed on a title for the symposium. The title will be: "The New Catechetical Reality: Forming Catholic Identity in a Postmodern Context." We hope you will make plans to participate in the Symposium. Watch for details and additional registration material coming to an in-box near you shortly after September 1, 2005. Click here for a list of advanced reading material for the symposium. Read the registration material for information on scholarships.

Monday, August 08, 2005

This just in

America, United States, Times Online, The Times, Sunday Times: "
Da Vinci plot may get new twist to placate Catholics
By Dalya Alberge, Arts Correspondent
THE film version of The Da Vinci Code is attempting to reduce the offence that the best-selling book caused to Roman Catholics.

Sony Pictures, the studio behind the film starring Tom Hanks and Sir Ian McKellen, is reported to have been so concerned that it has consulted Catholic and other Christian specialists on how it might alter the plot of the novel to avoid offending the devout.

Film officials have held talks with Catholic groups and other organisations despite Dan Brown, the author, insisting that “it’s only a novel and therefore a work of fiction”, The New York Times reported yesterday."

Sunday, August 07, 2005 - Gibson asked to recreate 'Passion'

This story appeared on both CNN and Yahoo news - Gibson asked to recreate 'Passion': "Gibson asked to recreate 'Passion'"
SYDNEY, Australia (AP) -- Hollywood actor-director Mel Gibson has been asked to recreate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in the streets of Sydney if the city is selected to host a major Catholic gathering in 2008, a newspaper reported Saturday.

Click here for the link to Yahoo News.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Wired News: A Hacker Games the Hotel

Wired News: A Hacker Games the Hotel: "A Hacker Games the Hotel

Since I find myself spending time in hotel rooms I found this information interesting and helpful.
"A vulnerability in many hotel television infrared systems can allow a hacker to obtain guests' names and their room numbers from the billing system.

It can also let someone read the e-mail of guests who use web mail through the TV, putting business travelers at risk of corporate espionage. And it can allow an intruder to add or delete charges on a hotel guest's bill or watch films and other premium content on their hotel TV without paying for it."

Click here to read the whole article.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

A quote from Nelson Mandela

"Massive poverty and obscene inequality are such terrible scourges of our times -- times in which the world boasts breathtaking advances in science, technology, industry and wealth accumulation -- they have to rank alongside slavery and apartheid as social ills. Overcoming poverty is not a gesture of charity. It is an act of justice. It is the protection of a fundamental human right, the right to dignity and a decent life." (Nelson Mandela)
I found this quote as part of a post on Dave Pollard's blog, "How to Save the World" here.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Has it been 20 years?

Has it been 20 years? Cindy called me down to help her with a computer emergency and I walked into a suprise anniversary party. I've been the DRE for the diocese of Grand Island for 20 years this month. The Staff at the NP Catholic Offices threw me a party and gifted me with this large Gum Ball machine filled with M&M peanuts. (see the picture) The Gum Ball machine has a lable that says, "Diocesan RE Director, 1985 - 2005, SWEET!" I was very surprised and overwhelmed even speachless. For those same 20 years I have been a member of NCCL and I am very greatful for the friendship and support I receive from the people I've meet through NCCL over these 20 years. Prior to becoming a Diocesan Director, I remember Matt Hayes encouraging me to join, what was in those days, NCDD. Moving to Nebraska and joining NCCL are two of the significant blessings of my life. I've truly enjoyed the past 2o years.

Friday, July 29, 2005

NCCL Offices are Moving

National Conference for Catechetical Leadership Online: "Important Information NCCL Offices are moving. NCCL offices will be temporarily relocating to Trinity University for the next 18 months or so until our present location at St. Paul’s College is renovated into the St. Paul Hecker Center for Ministry. As of August 5 our new address and phone number will be:

National Conference for Catechetical Leadership
Trinity University
125 Michigan Avenue, N.E.
Washington, DC 20017

We ask for your patience during the moving process we will not able to receive calls or answer email until August. 9. All emails you send and registrations for the conference will be saved on our web server so nothing will be lost. "

Thursday, July 28, 2005

Union Pacific RR's No. 844

The Union Pacific Railroad's steam locomotive No. 844 Posted by Picasa
You may be wondering what a picture of a steam locomotive is doing on the Diocesan Director's Forum Blog. Good question. The Union Pacific Railroad is the major employer in North Platte and North Platte is home to the worlds larges railroad classification yard or hump yard. Steam locomotive No. 844 was in North Platte today (7/28/05) and I couldn't resist taking a few pictures and I thought I would share one. If you are interested in the vital statistics of No. 844 click here.

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Institute for Peace and Justice

I received the Institute for Peace and Justice’s Peace Pieces for Christian Educators by email today. Peace Pieces is a free email newsletter full of ideas and resources for promoting and educating for peace and justice from womb to tomb.

If you are not familiar with the Institute for Peace and Justice (IPJ) I encourage you to visit IPJ’s website at and become familiar with the Institute. It is hard to admit but I’ve known Jim and Kathy McGinnis, founders of the Institute, for over 20 years. I am challenged by Jim and Kathy’s commitment and dedication to formation, education and witness to and for peace and justice. For Kathy and Jim peace and justice is at the heart of their discipleship. Their ministry and the ministry of the Institute is worthy of our support as catechetical leaders.

Resources from the Institute and the “Families Against Violence Advocacy Network” including the “Pledge of Nonviolence” are valuable resources for your diocesan newsletters and other formal communications. I especially like Jim’s "I Want Love to Win" essay, available here.

Remember to sign up to receive IPJ’s free email newsletter “Peace Pieces for Christian Educators.” Sign up here.

Contact IPJ at: 4144 Lindell Boulevard #408, St. Louis, MO 63108, (314) 533-4445, Fax (314) 715-6455 e-mail: “ppjn at aol dot com” and on the web here.

Don Kurre

Monday, July 11, 2005

Loyola Update from Cecelia M. Bennett

The university opened for normal business this morning. We in New Orleans escaped any damage from this hurricane. This is not the experience of many residents of Mississippi, Alabama and Florida who are without power and who have had property damage due to the hurricane. Many people on the gulf coast still were not in their homes from last summer.

Our prayers and best wishes go out to all our LIMEX colleagues in these areas. It you want to make donations to charities that help out in these areas, check out the fema web page.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Information from Loyola Institute for Ministry

Cecelia M. Bennett from Loyola Institute for Ministry in New Orleans, LA sent and email saying:
Today as of 1:15 the university will be officially closed due to the possible threat of Hurricane Dennis. Right now the Florida Gulf Coast through the Louisiana Gulf Coast is all in the potential path of Hurricane Dennis. As of this morning, Florida has the most probability of a landing. They certainly do not need another storm after last year's season, and we still have people in New Orleans (Two who work in LIM) still without power from Tuesday's storm. So 60 hours out we all need to prepare, as we in this part of the world know, things can change at any minute.

For updates on the status of the university's opening or closure, please go to or 504-865-2186
I know I will be keeping all those who could be in the path of Hurricane Dennis in my prayers.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Discernment Committee Looking for Help

The Discernment Committee, according to Joe Swiss, is seeking your suggestions for the best persons to fill the role of President. To be eligible, they must be professional members of the association who have already attended at least two annual meetings. However, there are several additional criteria that should be considered in suggesting candidates. First, what leadership qualities do they possess that demonstrate their ability to lead the association into the future? Second, do they have the qualities necessary to represent the association at the national level? Third, how have they exhibited a vision of catechesis and ministry? Fourth, what gifts have they demonstrated that indicate their ability to lead NCCL in fulfilling its strategic issues? Lastly, are they now or have they been involved in the governance of NCCL?

If after prayerful consideration you feel there is someone or several individuals who should be considered, we would appreciate hearing from you. We will contact them about possibly running for office. In submitting a name or names for consideration, please share with us your thoughts on each of them for the five criteria listed above. Click on reply to respond electronically to either jswiss-at-archbalt-dot-org or to mwestenburg-at-stmattsgb-dot-org by July 15, 2005. You will receive an e-mail confirmation of your submittal. Thank you for your support.
Joe Swiss,

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Empty Thoughts, or Do Zen Monk Robes Have Pockets?

As the thermostat pushes into the upper 90's today in North Platte this article from celsius1414 made more and more sense. Robert Daeley: askes, "Do Zen Monk Robes have Pockets?"
For an era when millions of urban folks have supposedly left behind the burdens of a rural existence, we sure are burdening ourselves like pack mules. Take a look around at the next business gathering, especially if there are a lot of geeks in the room — check out the bulging cargo pants and Bat-Belts of devices, the modern geek’s pocket protectors. Wonder at the laptop bags and suitcases with hidden crannies stuffed full of all manner of supplies.
Read the whole article here Celsius1414: Zen Pockets. Thanks to Merlin Mann at 43 Folders for this link.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

"Give me, O Lord. . .

"Give me, O Lord, a steadfast heart, which no unworthy affection may drag downwards; give me an unconquered heart, which no tribulation can wear out; give me an upright heart, which no unworthy prupose may tempt aside."
Thomas Aquinas

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Inculturation and the Media

The NCD in Chapter 2 Section 21, D has this to say about inculturation and the media:

"If the new evangelization of the mass media is going to be effective, however, the Church must deepen her understanding of the culture in which the communications media are so consequential and learn how to make proper use of the media to proclaim Christ's message. Pastoral min­isters need to be trained as specialists in communications technology; state-of-the-art production centers need to be set up; communication networks need to be developed; and the faithful need to learn how to be more discriminating in their use of the media, especially in their homes. 'Using the media correctly and competently can lead to a genuine incul­turation of the Gospel'". (NDC page 67)

Monday, June 20, 2005

It's In The Numbers

"One-quarter fewer students attend Catholic schools today than did in 1950, but more than four times as many students participate in parish catechetical programs." (NDC page 35)

Friday, June 17, 2005

Quote Of The Day

"Being a believer means that one lives a certain way--walking with the Lord, doing justice, loving kindness, living peaceably among all people." NDC, page 11.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Symposium Preparation

The following set of articles/book will be recommended for advance reading for the symposium with Richard R. Gaillardetz, December 8 - 10, 2005. Reflection questions will be provided.

Barron, Robert. “Beyond Beige Catholicism.” Church (Summer, 2000): 5-10.

Doyle, Dennis. Beige or Technicolor: Catholicism Requires Different Theological Approaches. Church (Summer, 2000): 11-14.

Gaillardetz, Richard. “Apologetics, Evangelization and Ecumenism Today.” Origins 35 (May 19, 2005): 9-15.

Komonchak, Joseph. 2005. "The Church in Crisis: Pope Benedict's Theological Vision". Commonweal 132 (11):11-4.

Portier, William. “Here Come the Evangelical Catholics,” Communio 31 (Spring, 2004): 35-66.

Rausch, Thomas P. Reconciling Faith and Reason: Apologetics, Evangelists, and Theologians in a Divided Church. Collegeville: The Liturgical Press, 2000. (Click here for price at

If you have questions about the Symposium contact us at Or leave a comment on the Blog. We do like hearing from you

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Symposium with Richard R. Gaillardetz

Symposium with Richard R. Gaillardetz December 8 - 10, 2005. The Symposium will be held at the Holiday Inn Elk Grove Village near O'Hare airport. Posted by Hello

Symposium with Richard R. Gaillardetz Update

The Symposium Planning Committee held a conference call Wednesday, June 15, 2005 to continue planning for the December 8 – 10, 2005 Symposium for Catechetical Leadership. We hope to publish the details including registration information on the symposium around July 15, 2005. Registration information will be sent to Diocesan Directors as an attachment to an email from the National Office. Directors are encouraged to invite members of their staff to participate in the Symposium. We are compiling a reading list to be given to symposium participants prior to the symposium. I’m convinced the symposium will be one of the major catechetical events of 2005, an event not to be missed. Scholarships will be available.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Social Justice Movies

The April/May 2005 issue of the "BluePrint for Social Justice" Newsletter published by the Twomey Center for Peace through Justice at Loyola University contains a 13 page list of "Social justice Movies" with a brief description. The list seems impressive. If you are not familiar with this newsletter it is worth looking at.

Friday, June 10, 2005

World Vision 70,000 people have already died

World Vision Online Donations: Root: "In the Darfur region of Sudan, 70,000 people have already died in brutal ethnic conflict and over two million people have been driven into homelessness with their huts and villages pillaged, burned, and destroyed. They are living in ramshackle grass huts spread in camps on the edge of the Sahara with no access to food, water, clothing, or shelter. Health care is non-existent. Killings and sexual assaults are rampant. These families are on the edge of survival, living in conditions that World Vision has rarely seen in its 50 plus years of serving the needy. Lives of thousands of children are threatened. Many have lost their fathers, their homes,"

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Jesus died of blood clot, Israeli researcher says - Science -

Jesus died of blood clot, Israeli researcher says - Science - "JERUSALEM - An Israeli researcher has challenged the popular belief that Jesus died of blood loss on the cross, saying he probably succumbed to a sometimes fatal disorder now associated with long-haul air travel."

Monday, June 06, 2005

How Many Americans Really Attend Church Each Week?

As you remember during the 2004 Annual Meeting we talked about the role of social sciences in catechecial ministry. Continuing this line of discussion I think Dave Olson's analysis of church attendance is very interesting.

Dave Olson, director of church planting for the Evangelical Covenant Church, surveying only Christian churches (i.e., evangelical, mainline, and Catholic) says the percentage of Americans regularly attending church is 18.7%.

Olson has collected his findings in an eye-opening slide-show entitled Twelve Surprising Facts about the US Church.

Here is the direct link to the chart that shows the percentage of population attending a Catholic Church on any given weekend in 2000. It seems to me that Olson's analysis raise some good questions for catechetical ministry.

U.S. Catholic Bishops - Social Development & World Peace

"The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers
In a marketplace where too often the quarterly bottom line takes precedence over the rights of workers, we believe that the economy must serve people, not the other way around. Work is more than a way to make a living; it is a form of continuing participation in God's creation. If the dignity of work is to be protected, then the basic rights of workers must be respected—the right to productive work, to decent and fair wages, to organize and join unions, to private property, and to economic initiative. Respecting these rights promotes an economy that protects human life, defends human rights, and advances the well-being of all." U.S. Catholic Bishops - Social Development & World Peace

Friday, June 03, 2005

The Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation

VLCFF @ UD: "The Virtual Learning Community for Faith Formation (VLCFF) is a growing initiative to offer adult religious education and faith formation anytime and anywhere via the internet. The goal is to support the church's professional ministry of religious education and faith formation in cyberspace.

The VLCFF is coordinated and sponsored by the Institute for Pastoral Initiatives (IPI) at the University of Dayton - a Catholic Marianist Institution.

Our mission is to mobilize the resources of the University of Dayton for partnerships with the Church that create and implement innovative pastoral initiatives designed to meet the needs of the Church and to articulate faith within the context of contemporary culture."

If you are looking for a new way to provide formation for the catechists of your diocese I suggest that you look at the University of Dayton's VLCFF program. I'm convinced that VLCFF is one of the most valuable resources for faith formation available today. As a VLCFF partner diocese, VLCFF enables us to provide a richer variety of formation opportunities across the great distances of Western Nebraska.
Don Kurre

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Congo's Conflict: Heart of Darkness

"Congo's Conflict: Heart of Darkness
With 30,000 deaths a month from violence and disease, Congo is the world's deadliest place. Does anyone care?"

How do you measure the horror in the Democratic Republic of Congo? Add up all of the American deaths in every single war we’ve fought in since 1776, including World War II and the Civil War (1,540,665). Now add to that the estimated deaths from the recent tsunami (169,752 confirmed dead, 127,294 missing). Next, add to that the estimated..." Read the story here:

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

(My) 7 guidelines for effective corporate e Learning

"In adult learning, cognitive goals are always application oriented’ we don’t have any 3- hour exam to sit for - real life is our examination hall! We need both explicit and tacit knowledge when we need it - on demand." soulsoup

I (Don) thought there was some important information in this blog entry for our ministry in Catechist Training. What do you think?

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Post a comment to the Blog

I (Don Kurre) want to invite you to post a comment on the Diocesan Director's Forum Blog. The DDRE Forum blog is intended to be a conversation about catechetical issues and activities of the Forum. At the end of each blog posting you will find a comments link. Click on the link to leave a comment to the above post. Clicking on the comments link brings you to a page with a "Post A Comment" link. Clicking on the "Post A Comment" link brings you to the "Leave your comment" form. Type in your comment. Choose an identity, if you are a registered Blogger user choose that identity or click on the anonymous option. Then Click on the "Logo in and Publish" button. Return to the Blog's home page and after a few minutes your comment will appear with the "Comments" link is clicked. If you have any questions or difficulty posting a comment please contact me at (Replace "at" with @ to contact me by email.) Please leave a comment.
Don It's a Wiki, Wiki World -- Jun. 06, 2005 It's a Wiki, Wiki World -- Jun. 06, 2005: "From the Magazine | Business
It's a Wiki, Wiki World
Want to add your 2¢ to an encyclopedia? Join the crowd"
Being the founder of the Internet's largest encyclopedia means Jimmy Wales gets a lot of bizarre e-mail. There are the correspondents who assume he wrote Wikipedia himself and is therefore an expert on everything--like the guy who found vials of mercury in his late grandfather's attic and wanted Wales, a former options trader..."
Here is the link to Religious Education in the Wikipedia. The "Catechesis" does not show up in the encyclopedia at all. Maybe we need to fix that. What do you think? But there is a link to The Catechism of the Catholic Church. Click here.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Gaillardetz's Hecker Lecture in "Origins"

The address Richard R. Gaillardetz, who will conduct a Symposium for Diocesan Directors December 8, 2005 through December 11, 2005, gave at the annual Hecker Lecture was published in the May 19, 2005 (Volume 35, No. 1) issue of Origins. The title of the lecture is, "Apologetics, Evangelization and Ecumenism Today."

Friday, May 20, 2005

Symposium with Richard R. Gaillardetz Update

The Diocesan Director’s Forum Symposium Committee held a conference call today, Friday, May 20, 2005, to continue planning for the Symposium with Richard R. Gaillardetz. Please note: The Symposium will begin on Thursday evening, December 8, 2005 and end with Liturgy on Saturday evening, December 11, 2005. The Symposium will be held at the Holiday Inn Elk Grove Village near O’Hare airport. The cost of the symposium will be between $305 and $465. The cost includes the registration fee, room and board for two or three nights with a single room or double room. Participants will register through the National Office. Diocesan Directors are encouraged to invite members of their staff to participate in this symposium. Diocesan directors will receive an Email from the National Office next week (5/23—5/27) with further details and the possibility for early registration. Scholarships for the Symposium will be available. The Committee continues to work on the details of the symposium including title, schedule and process but we wanted to share the basic information with members of the Forum as offices prepare their budgets for fiscal 05-06.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Example of Good Adult Ed Methodology

Gnomedex is a tech conference that began in Iowa. Dave Winer who will be one of the keynote speakers had this to say in his blog today, Scripting News: 5/16/2005: "Gnomedex is right around the corner. It seems everyone is going this year, me too. I'm giving one of the keynotes, it's going to be BloggerCon-style, so I'll talk for 10 minutes, maybe do a demo, then lead a discussion. Are you going? What should we talk about?" Asking potential participants what they would like to talk about is great adult ed methodology.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

jkOnTheRun: The Tyranny of Email

Something to remember about Email from jkOnTheRun: The Tyranny of Email: "Finally, remember that email is a public and permanent record. Email is plain text and goes out over public networks, and is often stored on servers for a long time and may be backed up for a longer time. It might feel 'throwaway' at the time, but it will not be thrown away, as senior executives at Microsoft, Enron, Worldcom, and others have discovered. If you have something to say which won't bear the public light of day, it shouldn't be said in email. And if you are sending something confidential or sensitive, consider sending it as an encrypted and/or password-protected attachment."

Coffee Hacks

If you are like me and spend a lot of time in your car you might find this "Coffee Hack" helpful."The hole in a roll of duct tape laid flat on the floor of your car makes a handy extra coffee cup holder." You will find more coffee hacks here: Coffee Hacks:
Don Kurre

Friday, May 13, 2005

Zenit News Agency - The World Seen From Rome

Zenit News Agency - The World Seen From Rome: "

American Succeeds Pope in Former Office
Archbishop Levada New Prefect for Doctrinal Congregation

VATICAN CITY, MAY 13, 2005 ( Benedict XVI named the archbishop of San Francisco to succeed him as the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.

The Vatican announced today that Archbishop William Levada, 68, will fill the vacancy left by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger upon his election to the papacy. Code: ZE05051303"Date: 2005-05-13

The Word From Rome May 13, 2005

The Word From Rome May 13, 2005: "By JOHN L. ALLEN JR.

On May 13, as had long been rumored, Pope Benedict XVI appointed Archbishop William J. Levada of San Francisco as the new prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith."

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

An E-mail from Sister Rose Pacatte, F.S.P.

*I received this e-mail from Sister Rose and post it here with her permission. Please remember Sister Rose and her family in your prayers.*

Dear Sisters, Friends and Family,

The Paradise (CA) Post came out today with the obituary for my nephew Gabriel Harry Mordecai. You can read it here and sign the guest book if you would like.

OBITUARY for Sr. Rose's nephew Click here

We also received the official finding for the cause of death: asyphyxiation by hanging: accident. Gabe did fall off of the top bunk, but he had a rope around his neck. However, it was not suicide. He was trying to get high - and he had done it before. Another kid taught Gabe and his twin how to do it.

I wondered if I should draw your attention to the cause of death - but if it might help parents become aware of what their kids are doing, they can help them. Therefore, I decided to share this with you as sad and distasteful as it is. Risky behavior has always accompanied adolescence.

For some of you this may be a whole new aspect of life that you have no wish to explore, and I respect that - but we need to know the reality of adolescence, the choices kids are making and why: one of the behaviors that is killing them. These are the people of God to whom we are sent to communicate God's love. I keep asking myself: what more could I have done? I was lucky if I saw my sister and her children every other year or so; we are such a large family; could I have called more? Been more "prsent"? All my siblings are asking the same questions. However, the bigger question for me is: Gabe, his brother, and maybe the other kids in the story were and are familiar with God's Word - did it mean anything to him at 13 years of age? Did anyone teach about risky behavior in Bible study, homilies, religious education, in regular school? How can we help to bring faith and life closer in a meaningful way, so that faith can inform the decisions ! and lives of children, teens, young adults, parents? The eternal question... I am the first to admit it is very, very hard to speak publically about what has happened to my nephew, but if we do not speak of it, how do we prevent it from happening again?

I think my sister went so public with this because she wants to prevent this from happening to another family. Professionals are telling her that doing something positive would help her know that others could be helped by this devastating death of her child - who was messing around as kids will do, but in a very dangerous, risky way. We were told that a few days before Gabe was brought in to the hospital, another boy, the same age, died the same way.

News article about "Asphyxiation" as thrill seeking Click here

Thank you for your messages of prayer for our family; they mean a lot.

Blessings to you and your families. May God enlighten parents and caregivers everywhere to "see" on time and respond to their children in ways that respect the body and life.

Sr Rose

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

National Conference for Catechetical Leadership Online

National Conference for Catechetical Leadership Online

A Brief Walk through the National Directory for Catechesis
By Daniel Mulhall
Published in the March 2005 issue of "Catechetical Leader." This article is now available on the NCCL web site. Click here to access the article.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


These are the notes taken during the Cluster Discussions held at the Annual Meeting in Louisville.

Critical issues

Some recommendations from the Critical Issues Cluster

  • NCCL should be more active in national conversation about catechesis
  • We need a broader-national network among DDRES
  • We must keep NCCL really grassroots.
  • We can make the organization be more proactive.
  • It is time to invite Bishops to come. Hear us and how we work.
  • Invite bishops to things like Diocesan forum. Especially at the Cleveland Meeting.
  • Get more people involved from individual dioceses.
Common Competencies

· How can evidence be gathered to prove competency based assessment? (journaling, gathering materials for portfolios, certificate which supports which standard it meets).

· Use writing/journaling as an assessment tool. Help people to see they can achieve competency in several areas.

· How much pre-education /consultation should proceed a diocese implementing? Beginning a portfolio for each catechist and even a fact sheet can be disseminated as educational piece.

· Textbook selection for lay ministry formation program. There is a Bishops’ document, coming out in Nov. saying what content areas should be covered in course areas - (suggest: set the standards first and then review text content in light of this.)

· Committee on standards and certification is looking at making sure certifications granted by accredited agencies be recognized nationally.

See Carol Gastelum: a Retreat/reflection experience to educate the various ministry (ministries ) on the standards certification for their specific ministry.

Whole Community Catechesis

What is positive and exciting?

· Collaboration of “whole” parish staffs in planning and process

· Number of family groups reacting positively

· Eucharist liturgy becoming focal point

· Families sharing faith with children

· Positive model of adult faith formation - OHWB

· An experience of a catechumenal model

· Can be a form of evangelizing catechesis

· Attracting adults without children

· Energizes parish as community

· An outburst of creativity

· Using the giftedness of new people

· Liturgy and catechesis working together

· Sacramental catechesis as separate component

· Parishes supporting and more conscious of households of faith

· Publishers supporting model with print materials and websites

· State and national workshops/conferences on theme

· Parishes collaborating

· Increase in understanding of and participation in liturgical life of Church

· More opportunity for works of service and justice

· Parishes working to include “non-participating” parishioners in catechetical outreach - homebound, young adults away at college or military, outreach to those in hospitals, care facilities, those incarcerated.

· Inclusion of persons with disabilities and special needs

· Can be more affordable model

· Support by excellent catechetical leaders - Bill Hubesch, John Roberto, many diocesan directors

1. What do we see as challenges and concerns?

· Maintaining a consistent, authentic, and developmental curriculum that reflects Vatican, national and diocesan norms

· Families who choose to not participate and leave

· Children without families faith support being neglected or abandoned

· Integrating this model into comprehensive youth ministry

· Not building a team - catechetical leader overcommitted

· Sustaining this model beyond first few years

· Parishes eliminating texts and developing own materials

· Sustaining model when staffing changes

· Adequate catechist formation

· Sustaining model where liturgy is mediocre or poor

· Inconsistent attendance by Families

· High energy to offer preparation sessions multiple times

· Uncertainty that Catholic doctrine is being taught adequately and learned well by children and young people

· Inadequate space for model which encourages community meals and large assemblies

Formation of Parish Catechetical Leaders

Some suggestions

· The parish will need to wait. (While DREs get trained.)

· Everyone will need to spend significant money.

· Preparation must be multi-faceted.

· Create a growth plan and time line.

· Don’t think of DRE formation as training for a job. Think of it as training for a cluster of jobs.

· Make a big public display of the accomplishments of those who do things

· Use national profile on catechesis to support our positions

· Motivate with a power point presentation –

“Why do you want a professionally trained DRE?”

$700-$1000 needed/year. Make it quantified

Prep needs to be multifaceted

Create a growth plan and a time line – everybody benifits

· Use the DRE series.

20 sessions, once a month – all day Sat.

Dioceses and college cooperate

Different on-site classes

In most cases parishes pay for it

· NCCL set up info link so dioceses can find out which place have available courses on-line

· DREs who need financial assistance

Diocesan funds needed

In our diocese Bishop mandated a fund

Can NCCL do it nationally?


Run in cohorts – get MARE

· Can we get names of people who gave money for endowments?