Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Actions taken at the Rep Council meeting

Two actions taken during the Rep Council meeting will be important for Diocesan Directors. First, Anne Comeaux, NCCL President appointed a Hurricane Relief Task force. The purpose of the task force is to gather and coordinate information for NCCL members to use in providing support and assistance to those who've been effected by the recent Hurricanes. For information about the Task Force contact Jeanne Schrempf at Jeanne.Schrempf "at" rcda "dot" org.

Second, following a discussion by the Diocesan Directors Forum members who are on the Rep Council it was decided to make entry to the DDRE Forum meeting during the Annual meeting a ticketed event. Much like the Diocesan Directors Breakfast (During the 2006 Annual Meeting it will be a luncheon) which has always been a ticketed event. In the past uninvited people came to the DDRE Forum meeting including members of the press. Participants in the discussion felt that implementing a ticked model would make the Forum gathering more focused, productive and profitable.

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