Saturday, October 29, 2005

Echoes EchoesEchoes

We've broken even! As of two weeks ago the debt to RCL and the Leach family has been paid down. The contractual agreement signed in 1995 by NCCL has been fulfilled which now allows the Conference to begin to look at the creation of additional modules for formation.

In a survey sent to representative council members concerning Echoes of Faith, the following 4 topics surfaced as those most desired to augment what is already available:

Adult Faith Formation
Adolescent Catechesis
National Directory for Catechesis
Social Issues

The representative council engaged in lively and energized conversation around the following questions:
How do we enhance Echoes familiarity and advance usage of the tool already available? -and- Which module would be the one (from the four listed above) that we would like to pursue first?

No decisions were made at the meeting, but it was clear that the group is very much in favor of offering more topics and continuing the Echoes model for catechist formation.

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