Wednesday, December 29, 2004

“A People Adrift”

I just finished reading, “A People Adrift” by Peter Steinfels (Find it here). I would suggest this as a must read for anyone involved in ministry. I felt both challenged and encouraged as I read this book. Steinfels' reflections on catechesis are insightful. In the Afterword he says, “Two other top priorities must be effective catechizing of children and the involvement of Catholics in their twenties and thirties in adult faith formation programs.”

Steinfels continues saying, “"I wish I had more specific recommendations about how to do this. I only know that for younger children, family-based instruction and practices, the home environment, summer day camps, integration of catechetics with adult parish activities—anything and everything beyond the one-hour-a-week classroom format—need to be tried.”" (Page 380)

It seems to me it is our job to come up with more specific recommendations about how to effectively catechise children and promote the involvement of Catholics in adult faith formation programs. I wonder what it will take for us to name and publish our recommendations? And then to act on those recommendations.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have just come back from the National Directory for Catechesis workshop. It was announced there that the Directory has received a recognitio from Rome and will be published on May 1 this year. I believe it would be very helpful for us to read the Peter Steinfels book before the annual meeting in Louisville and discuss the upcoming NDC in the light of the Steinfels book. What do you think?
Also, for your information, if you weren't at the meeting in Washington, notes from the meeting will be published on the usccb website. They will be helpful for introducing the NDC to your diocese. They will be avaible for downloading. JIM KEMNA