Friday, July 29, 2005
NCCL Offices are Moving
National Conference for Catechetical Leadership
Trinity University
125 Michigan Avenue, N.E.
Washington, DC 20017
We ask for your patience during the moving process we will not able to receive calls or answer email until August. 9. All emails you send and registrations for the conference will be saved on our web server so nothing will be lost. "
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Union Pacific RR's No. 844

The Union Pacific Railroad's steam locomotive No. 844

You may be wondering what a picture of a steam locomotive is doing on the Diocesan Director's Forum Blog. Good question. The Union Pacific Railroad is the major employer in North Platte and North Platte is home to the worlds larges railroad classification yard or hump yard. Steam locomotive No. 844 was in North Platte today (7/28/05) and I couldn't resist taking a few pictures and I thought I would share one. If you are interested in the vital statistics of No. 844 click here.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Institute for Peace and Justice
I received the Institute for Peace and Justice’s Peace Pieces for Christian Educators by email today. Peace Pieces is a free email newsletter full of ideas and resources for promoting and educating for peace and justice from womb to tomb.
If you are not familiar with the Institute for Peace and Justice (IPJ) I encourage you to visit IPJ’s website at and become familiar with the Institute. It is hard to admit but I’ve known Jim and Kathy McGinnis, founders of the Institute, for over 20 years. I am challenged by Jim and Kathy’s commitment and dedication to formation, education and witness to and for peace and justice. For Kathy and Jim peace and justice is at the heart of their discipleship. Their ministry and the ministry of the Institute is worthy of our support as catechetical leaders.
Resources from the Institute and the “Families Against Violence Advocacy Network” including the “Pledge of Nonviolence” are valuable resources for your diocesan newsletters and other formal communications. I especially like Jim’s "I Want Love to Win" essay, available here.
Remember to sign up to receive IPJ’s free email newsletter “Peace Pieces for Christian Educators.” Sign up here.
Contact IPJ at: 4144 Lindell Boulevard #408, St. Louis, MO 63108, (314) 533-4445, Fax (314) 715-6455 e-mail: “ppjn at aol dot com” and on the web here.
Monday, July 11, 2005
Loyola Update from Cecelia M. Bennett
Our prayers and best wishes go out to all our LIMEX colleagues in these areas. It you want to make donations to charities that help out in these areas, check out the fema web page.
Friday, July 08, 2005
Information from Loyola Institute for Ministry
Today as of 1:15 the university will be officially closed due to the possible threat of Hurricane Dennis. Right now the Florida Gulf Coast through the Louisiana Gulf Coast is all in the potential path of Hurricane Dennis. As of this morning, Florida has the most probability of a landing. They certainly do not need another storm after last year's season, and we still have people in New Orleans (Two who work in LIM) still without power from Tuesday's storm. So 60 hours out we all need to prepare, as we in this part of the world know, things can change at any minute.I know I will be keeping all those who could be in the path of Hurricane Dennis in my prayers.
For updates on the status of the university's opening or closure, please go to or 504-865-2186
Friday, July 01, 2005
Discernment Committee Looking for Help
If after prayerful consideration you feel there is someone or several individuals who should be considered, we would appreciate hearing from you. We will contact them about possibly running for office. In submitting a name or names for consideration, please share with us your thoughts on each of them for the five criteria listed above. Click on reply to respond electronically to either jswiss-at-archbalt-dot-org or to mwestenburg-at-stmattsgb-dot-org by July 15, 2005. You will receive an e-mail confirmation of your submittal. Thank you for your support.