Friday, April 29, 2005

What are Catechetical Leaders to do?

It’s hard to believe a week ago I was in Louisville. Now a scant six days later and I’m mostly dug out from under the stuff that awaited my return to Nebraska. A lot of junk mail got sent to the trash, Spam deleted from my inbox, phone calls returned and people visited. Somehow I never learn to avoid scheduling major events just days after the Annual meeting. Oh, when will I learn? I’ll make a note in my palm pilot to remind me. It was an OK meeting as Annual meetings go. I do appreciate the energy two or three catechetical leaders gathered together generate. I will admit to being disappointed by the lack of discussion, conversation or outrage sparked by Peter Steinfels book and presentations. The strongest statement I heard was, “We knew that already.” I am left wondering, if Steinfels’ descriptions accurately reflect Catholic life today, what are we, the catechetical leaders to do?

Don Kurre

Friday, April 22, 2005

A Symposium - Preliminary Information

A Symposium for Diocesan Directors and Staff with Richard Gaillardetz. The Symposium will be held in Chicago December 8-11, 2005 at the Holiday Inn Elk Grove Village near O’Hare airport. The event will begin Thursday with dinner and end Saturday evening with Liturgy (about 6:00 pm).

The cost for room and board would be approximately $350 for a single room, $250 for a double, plus tax. A reception Thursday evening, three meals on Friday, breakfast and lunch Saturday would be provided for the above cost. Snacks during the day would also be provided. Participants would go out for dinner Saturday evening after the liturgy. The meal would not be included in the above cost. The registration fee, above room and board, has not been set. A planning committee is in the process of finalizing the goals and content outline for this symposium. We will forward that information to you as soon as it is complete.

Members of the Planning Committee are: Sr. Edith Prendergast, Jim Kemna, Mary Kay Cullinan, Sr. Pat McGinley, Sharon Horgan, Don Kurre and Maribeth Mancini with assistance from Neil Parent and Kathy Kandefer.

Please leave a comment with your thoughts on the Symposium.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Viewpoint: The treason of the clerks

Viewpoint: The treason of the clerks: "The treason of the clerks
Church leaders and Catholic educators are killing Catholic schools
Have your read Andrew Greeley’s column in the April 8, 2005 issue of the National Catholic Reporter? It’s worth reading. He has some strong words to say about the lack of support for Catholic Schools.

Greeley says, “Why don’t these clergy or quasi clergy want to accept good news about either the priests or the schools?”

“Another reason,” Greeley says, “is that the schools belong to the pre-Vatican II church. They have to go, just like everything else—the Mother of Jesus, saints, holy water, the rosary, the souls in purgatory, angels, all that kind of junk. Then we can really build a new church around the liturgy and the catechumenate and religious education.” Strong words may be an understatement.

He continues saying, “Don’t they understand that the combination of the neighborhood parish and the parochial school is one of the most ingenious community-building mechanisms that humankind has ever devised?”

“God forgive”, Greeley concludes saying, “those who are permitting Catholic schools to slip under the waves.”

Greeley’s reflections provide some additional information for us as we dialogue with Peter Steinfels at the Annual Meeting. I wonder what part I’ve played in catechizing about Catholic traditions, practices and rituals and is my own ministry based on a to narrow vision of Catholic life.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Pope John Paul II * 1920 - 2005

Pope John Paul II
1920 - 2005

Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.

At 9:37 PM, April 2, 2005
the Holy Father enterned into eternal glory

Pope John Paul II

Rose Pacatte, FSP, shares the following, for information on the Pope, here's a web site you can refer to; it was put up by our publishing house, Pauline Books & Media ...