2:30 Prayer:
Welcome and Icebreaker: A chance to meet new directors and reconnect with everyone.
3:00 NDC Discussion and Reaction/Input by Bishop Malone
This segment will begin with two questions:
- What excites you about the National Directory?
- What alarms or concerns you about the National Directory?
Bishop Malone will respond to the discussion that ensues from these questions. The group will interact with him with questions and comments.
A final question for sharing (or possibly in a cluster) would be “Where do we go from here?”
Directors are asked to review their draft of the NDC before the meeting, if possible.
Break: Refreshments: Ave Maria Press will provide snacks.
4:00 Clusters of Interest:
Directors will be able to gather at tables with others who share an interest in discussing any of the following issues:
- Formation of Parish Catechetical Leaders: Pete Ries
- Whole Community Catechesis: Jean Schrempf
- Recruitment and Retention of Catechetical Leaders: Carol Augustine
- NCCL Critical Issues: Don Kurre
- Implementing the NDC in the Diocese: Maribeth Mancini
- Common Competencies/Standards: Harry Dudley
4:45 Other business:
- Election of New Animators.
- Discussion of possible symposium.
- Evaluation of Meeting